Sunday, October 26, 2008

Bend Over, I'll Drive

"Looking younger just lulls us into thinking we have more time."
One of The Chemical Buddha's favorite things about American culture was its obsession with youth. He theorized this was because most of us looked our best in our late teens/early 20s. In fact, The Chemical Buddha pegged his physical appearance peak at 6 ½. He also noticed most people seemed to be trying to get back (either physically or mentally) to their perceived peak. Personally, he was just happy to spend a little time inside of someone youthful (yet of legal age). Or at least, the age of legal consent. For those of you literally scoring at home, the lowest age of consent is 14 in Arkansas, Iowa, Indiana, Missouri, and South Carolina. Some of your better Bible belt states. Luckily, most of these states were close together, making for easy 'Sleep with a Buddha' road trips.
How have you lulled yourself into putting important decisions off until tomorrow?
If this was your last day, what would you do? Or who would you talk to/spend it with?

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