Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hey Bartender

"What do I believe? I believe I’ll have another."
The Chemical Buddha believed that people's lives have more purpose and meaning when they believe in something. Be it in the good of humanity. The importance of pairing French fries with apple sauce. Or the pursuit of the perfect talk belcher. It's important to believe in something. Anything. So while The Chemical Buddha might not have had beliefs around fair play, what is morally right, what brings a person pleasure, how to be socially appropriate, how to treat other human beings (you get the idea). He did have a firm belief system (or life mission) around the ingestion of intoxicants, which could be easily summed up (no matter how out of it he was) in three simple words: "I’ll have another."
What do you believe in?
In what areas of your life are you unwilling to compromise?
What is your life's mission? Your purpose for being?

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