Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Ideas to die for

"The majority of people are seldom right about anything."
The Chemical Buddha wasn't a fan of the 'group think'. He found anything a group of people could agree on was usually flat and flavorless. That was because it was so full of compromise that no one was happy. TCB believed true innovation came from one person or a small group of people (three at most). It was here true radical thought lived. Of course, this might have been the thinking he used to justify the fact that a majority of people were against, even repulsed, by his teachings. He held firm in the belief that people would eventually come around and accept his ideas as mainstream. At the end of his life, he was still waiting. If we could talk to The Chemical Buddha now, we imagine he would think his death served to increase his legend. Just like dying young helped James Dean, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis and Jesus.
Which of your ideas do you consider radical?
What radical ideas do you agree with?
What mainstream ideas do you agree with?
What ideas would you be willing to fight or even die for?

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