Sunday, February 8, 2009

As Seen on TV

“Life should be more like a beer commercial.”
After waking up one afternoon with a particularly evil hangover, The Chemical Buddha wondered why this part was never covered in beer commercials? Those people never had hangovers (or drinking problems). Plus the women were all beautiful and the men were funny, cool, and had six-pack abs. It usually took at least a case of beer before TCB thought he was funny and cool. Although it took a lot less beer before he thought every woman he saw was beautiful. However, he wasn’t sure how much they had to drink before he seemed tolerable. But he had a sneaking suspicion beer worked too slow and they needed shots instead. None of this deterred The Chemical Buddha from trying to live a beer commercial. (To be perfectly honest, he probably would have settled for living a life like a Natural Light beer poster.)
What is your dream lifestyle and do you think it’s attainable?
If so, what do you have to do to get there? If not, what to you have to accept about yourself to be OK with it?

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