Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Date with Evil

“Even Hitler had a girlfriend.”
Historically, The Chemical Buddha didn’t have good Valentine’s Days. He’d usually end up alone, gorging himself on pot brownies and washing it down with a 12-pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon. While watching a late night biography on Hitler he had the above realization. Now sure, Hitler killed her right before he killed himself. But still, Hitler, one of the evilest men in the history of the world, had a girlfriend. For The Chemical Buddha, just the act of trying to wrap his head around that idea made the room spin. He eventually figured what it meant was everyone loves someone and has someone that loves them back. TCB took heart in the fact that when his love life felt it’s darkest his ‘Hitler’ was somewhere out there waiting for him.
How do you cope when all hope feels lost?
What is the one thing you’re hoping to have happen in your life? Other than hoping, what are you doing to make it happen?

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