Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Man is Keeping me Down

“I'm allergic to work.”
The Chemical Buddha started telling people this when his chronic unemployment was thrown in his face. In fact, he would often write it on the back of an empty 12 pack of Natural Light and stand on the street corner begging for money. And sometimes it even worked. Oftentimes people just wanted to know if it was a genetic condition and what they needed to do to catch it. The reality is The Chemical Buddha wasn’t just unemployed, he was unemployable. But, as the Buddhists say, even Buddhas have to eat, so he was merely following the begging bowl tradition. But in this case, he was using his begging cardboard. The most important thing to take away from this insight is the importance of finding a reason, no matter how far fetched, for doing what you do. Some lean on the fact that they had a bad childhood, others dwell on their lack of opportunity, and some blame the ‘six white men who control the world.’
What do you not like to do and how do you avoid doing it?
Is it less work to avoid it? Or less work to do it?

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