Thursday, February 19, 2009

Little Run Away

“You may be able to outrun the cops, but you can't outrun their radios.”
The Chemical Buddha discovered there are some things that have to be experienced before they can be truly learned. And this one he learned the hard way. By that we mean the lesson was as hard as the asphalt the arresting officers threw him down on. As TCB laid there with his hands cuffed behind his back, he realized he would have just been better off stopping and taking the consequences, rather than trying to outrun them. In fact, trying to outrun them just made the problems worse. Of course, this first learning was lost to the mists of drugs and alcohol and it would take several more ‘learning opportunities’ for The Chemical Buddha to fully integrate this insight.
What problems are you running from?
Does running make them go away? Or make them worse?

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