Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Love Drug

"Love is like getting high: intense, short lived and you always want more the next time."
The Chemical Buddha rarely felt anything as intoxicating as the first moment of love. Sure, there was the instant of penetration (which he loved and was unlike anything else he'd ever experienced) but that high of being around someone he loved was unmatched. Wanting to touch them. Hold them. Hear their voice. Of course, with TCB's incredibly addictive personality, the rush of love only lasted for approximate 12 minutes and 42 seconds. Then he was off to something else. He basically had the attention span of a cat in room a filled with shiny Christmas ornaments, birds, and open paper bags. Eventually, The Chemical Buddha built up such a tolerance to love, we're not sure if he was capable of feeling it later in life.
How often are you satisfied in your life?
How long do you stay satisfied?
What are the things you love about your life right now?
What things would you change?

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