Friday, September 25, 2009

Think Shallow

"I'm a deep thinker of shallow thoughts."
Today's insight is to combat those who said The Chemical Buddha wasn't a deep thinker. Because TCB saw himself as someone who thought deep thoughts about very superficial things. He was, after all, a product of the culture in which he grew up. One that prized celebrity over cause. One that thought the newest thing Detroit pooped out was more important than any social or economic issues of the day. So was it so unfathomable that he might spend waaaay too much time thinking about sex, drugs and food? If he were here, he would say, "No," because all things are related. Even those trivial things. What's important is bringing them all out into the light and then deciding what to do from there.
What do you spend your time thinking about?
How might you distract yourself from the bigger issues in your life?
How do you justify the life you're living?

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