Saturday, September 12, 2009


"Empty what's full. Fill what’s empty."
It's just a natural law of nature. That which is empty must be filled and that which is full must be emptied. The Chemical Buddha found this to be true in every facet of his life and often used today's insight as his fall back advice for every situation and every student. He also tried it as a pick up line with mixed results. Usually, the class of woman TCB was talking to, didn't grasp what he was talking about. In fact, he found this to be true no matter who he said it too. People didn't get it, but it sounded smart so no one asked him to explain it. Which, quite frankly, was the best The Chemical Buddha could hope for. Because we're not sure if he knew what it meant either.
What emptiness do you need to fill in your life?
And are you filling it with the right thing?
If not, how will creating an open space allow something else to come into you life?
What do you need to empty out?

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