Friday, September 4, 2009

The Smartest Idiot

"Smart people know we're all idiots."
After spending years pretending like he knew everything, The Chemical Buddha eventually came to understand that he didn't know very much. He reasoned that if he didn't know everything than no one could know everything. Years later, he figured out that that meant there might actually be someone who knew something he didn't. So in the eyes of that someone, he was an idiot. (Because TCB thought people who didn't know stuff he did were obviously idiots.) Although The Chemical Buddha never realized it before passing away, we have come to theorize that those who realize they're an idiot are at least slightly ahead of those who think they know everything. But of course, you also don't know what you don't know. We're pretty sure if The Chemical Buddha was still with us, he would say if you don't know what you don't know then why learn anything at all?
How curious are you about life?
Is there something in your life that could benefit from an outside opinion?
Do you ask people who know things you don't know for help? Why or why not?

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