Thursday, July 2, 2009

Projection Screen

"When you hate another, you hate yourself. Unfortunately, killing yourself, won't kill them."
The Chemical Buddha was a firm believer that people had to be taught to dislike others (or, for that matter, to dislike themselves). He didn't believe people came into the world hating it. TCB also didn't think it was possible for someone's self esteem to be too high. (People who seemed to think their shit didn't stink, usually had the lowest self-esteem. As if they’re trying to convince every one, including themselves, how great they are.) So when The Chemical Buddha didn't like certain things about other people, he would try and figure out what it was he didn't like about himself (psych majors will recognize this concept as projection). Or he would just take a bunch of drugs and forget about it. In addition to today's insight, The Chemical Buddha also found that when you make yourself cum you don't make another cum. Or just because someone makes you cum, doesn't mean you can make them cum.
What don't you like about other people? Do you dislike those same qualities in yourself?
What do you like about other people? Do you like those same things about yourself?
How do you deal with things/people you don't like? How do you deal with yourself?

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