Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Whip it Good

"Lawyers are paid so well because no one would do it for free."
As much as The Chemical Buddha was a hippie liberal, he also believed the price of something had nothing to do with the thing itself, but what people thought this 'thing' was worth. If he wanted to get high, he would pay practically anything for a joint. But if he was already stoned, he could care less and the joint had a lot less value. He tried to convince people that he was worth what he charged because no one else could offer his combination of enlightened insight and working knowledge of drug interactions. He was a specialist dammit! However, some professions, had high salaries because, 1) not everyone could do it and 2) no one else wanted to do it. For example, lots of people want to be musicians, actors, and artists. So those jobs pay shit in the beginning. And anyone could flip burgers, pick up trash, and dig ditches. So again, low pay. But some one who was smart enough to fuck people over and actually enjoyed doing it? Now there was a job that was hard to fill. So there will always be a shortage of good lawyers and dominatrixes.
Make a list of all of your special skills. What do you love doing so much you would do it for free?
What would you only do for an obscene amount of money?

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