Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fuck You Money

"Nothing is as sexy as money."
While this might seem to be in direct contrast to the insight from July 4th, The Chemical Buddha was able to hold both in his mind. He would say he preferred the both/and to the either/or. In TCB's mind having money didn't mean you were rich. It just meant you could afford to buy a six-pack or a dime bag or some day old Twinkies. When forced to evaluate people, The Chemical Buddha always found himself more attracted to someone who also had other things he wanted. For example, TCB would choose an unattractive woman with 5 lukewarm beers over a more attractive women without any beer. Besides, if he pounded the 5 beers fast enough, the beer goggles would make the unattractive woman look way more beautiful.
What qualities are you attracted to the most?
How often do you give people outside of your 'attraction set' a chance?
Why do you think people are attracted to you?

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