Friday, July 3, 2009

Focus on Focusing

"Sometimes you just have to pick a side and rub."
Early posts have spoken at length about the size of The Chemical Buddha's endowment. But despite it all, he accepted that he had what he had and didn't worry too much about it. Although he did recognize it as a short-coming, he wasn't too proud to seek advice on what to do. One of the best things anyone told him was to not worry about reaching everything. Just focus on one thing and make the most of it. While the person giving the advice intended for TCB to focus on his partner, The Chemical Buddha instead choose to focus on the tip of his dick. Although he did take this insight and apply it to other parts of his life. Eventually narrowing down all of the things he was involved in to pot, sex and Twinkies. Not only was he able to give those three things more of his attention, but it made it incredibly easy to Christmas shop for him.
How often do you focus on one thing?
How often is your attention scattered across multiple things?
Which do you find works better?
What prevents you from focusing on one thing?
What prevents you from seeing a multitude of things?

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