Sunday, December 14, 2008

Damn You

"Some sins are worth risking eternal damnation."
The Chemical Buddha found that how sins were defined changed throughout time. Murder has always been considered the utmost. However, if you accidentally kill someone that seems to be OK. Adultery, while sort of bad now isn't nearly as frowned upon as it was 500 years ago. So this changing sin gauge made The Chemical Buddha wonder if there were souls in hell that were thinking, "Fuck, I’m in eternal damnation for something that's no big deal now. Shit! This sucks." Or do they get out of hell as values change up here? It really didn't matter to The Chemical Buddha because the pursuit of making a TCB sandwich with his best friend's wife and their age of consent daughter while the family dog licked his balls was worth any consequences.
How have your perceptions of what is 'bad' and what is 'good' changed over time?
What one thing are you willing to risk anything to get?

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