Friday, December 26, 2008

I've Got Mono

"Christianity started as a cult."
In the early years of his enlightenment through pharmaceuticals movement, The Chemical Buddha was subject to lots of questions, skepticism and even ridicule. He was called names like stoner, burn out and fatso. But he slowly won over converts because he had connections to some of the best weed in town. As more and more people came around to his way of thinking, TCB started to pick up quite a few followers. (As long as you consider one, 'a few'.) Because of his persecution, The Chemical Buddha felt like he could relate to what Jesus, the early Christians, and the first monotheists must have gone through. All of the great thinkers and rebels were feared when they first introduced their ideas. But they all managed to bend society to their will. Eventually. At least, that's what he and I kept telling ourselves.
What new ideas have you dismissed as too stupid or risky?
How do you keep yourself stuck by not trying something different?

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