Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cold Nose

"If you don’t feel guilty, did you do anything wrong?"
Note: this insight goes with the previous two. The Chemical Buddha believed that if you consciously decided to do something, then you shouldn't feel guilty. Now there might be unintended consequences of your actions, but that's not called guilt. That's called learning. While The Chemical Buddha often did things that hurt people, he was usually doing what he wanted to do. And while he might (I repeat, might) feel bad about hurting people, he would usually do what he did again. To him, if you knew the outcome and would still do what you did, you shouldn't feel guilty. He called that making a tough choice. So to bring this full circle, when he had the chance to sleep with his best friend's wife and his of age daughter, he did it. They were there (his best friend was not) and his dick was hard. Of course, it did end his friendship and alienated a lot of people, but given the choice, he would soooo do it again. OK. Maybe he wouldn't have the dog lick his balls. Its cold nose was a little distracting.
Do you worry about hurting people's feelings?
Does hurting other people keep you from making tough choices? If so, what one choice are you willing to make regardless of the consequences?

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