Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hurts so Good

"Buddha meditates to alleviate pain and suffering. Chemical Buddha medicates to numb pain and suffering."
Buddhist believe that through meditation one could see pain and suffering as impermanent and merely amusing occurrences that come and go. But The Chemical Buddha invested a lot in his pain and suffering. Some might say that it was how he defined himself and was his reason for being. So he found it easier to just numb whatever he didn't want to experience. It was a lot faster than sitting on a cushion for hours on end. Although, as far as we know, he never tried meditation. So rather than breathing into anything uncomfortable he didn't want to experience and slowly releasing his attachment to it, he would just drink, smoke or orgasm it away. And, on rare occasion, do all three at once.
What painful experiences are you attached to?
How might accepting the past, rather than wishing it didn't happen, allow you to move on?

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