Wednesday, December 3, 2008


"When in doubt, lie to yourself."
There were several times The Chemical Buddha heard things he disagreed with like: "You're a drunk. You're fat. You're an idiot." Any normal person might have examined their life or made some changes. But The Chemical Buddha was not a normal person. He knew he was destined to transcend those who would keep him down. Keep him from achieving his full potential. All those naysayers were just jealous that he had a goal in life. That he was an enlightened being meant to show them the way. They were just resisting the truth. He knew better. He was chosen to lead the dawning of a new age. And he was smart, plump but cute and only drank when he was awake. So what did they know anyway? Just because they were accredited professionals with training on how to deal with people who had delusions of grandeur. Just because they fit society's definition of fuckable they didn't know everything. No, The Chemical Buddha was stronger than all of them. He would show them all he was special.
What lies are you telling to yourself?
Do you give up when people tell you it can't be done or do you press on?

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