Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Can I Get a Light?

"What do you do when you reach enlightenment? Light it up again."
The Chemical Buddha was often asked how his life was different after he reached enlightenment. He always told them his life was pretty much the same. Except he was now more aware of what it was that drove him. He no longer reacted without thinking. He still talked without thinking (and stuck his dick in things without thinking) but he didn't react without thinking. But it wasn't like his joints magically rolled themselves. And he still had to open his own pill bottles and pour his drinks. But he was happier and knew that he choose everything he did. According to the Zen masters, we're all enlightened. It’s just that most of us don't know it. For a flat fee, a blow job, a six pack of lukewarm beer or a couple of roaches, TCB was willing to help you know.
What one inner truth do you need to admit to yourself?
What if you chose everything in your life? What would you chose to be different?

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