Thursday, December 25, 2008

iPhone Jesus

"We use the latest technology and a 2,000 year-old belief system."
One of the things that really stumped the Chemical Buddha was how we sought out the latest gizmos and gadgets to help our life, yet we let beliefs that were at least thousands of years old guide us. If technology had changed, hadn't life changed too? Granted, life, like technology, was built on what came before but that was no excuse to not cut your hair, not eat shellfish, not fuck your neighbor. That's why The Chemical Buddha believed our social morays should advance with technology. It should be OK to take a shit in the top tank of someone's toilet you despise. You should be able to eat as much as you want. (Who knows when you’re going to again?) That’s why he also subscribed to the Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young song "Love The One You’re With." Now there was an advancement worth going after.
What beliefs from the past do you hold onto and what's the impact on your life?
How do you distract yourself with following the new and improved and still being happy with what you have?

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