Monday, May 11, 2009

Sort my Shit

“It takes 3 times as much energy to get rid of something as it does to buy it.”
The Chemical Buddha was a bit of a pack rat. He was always holding on to stuff because he thought he might need it someday. Then, he’d have so much shit he couldn’t find what he needed, so he’d go out and buy another one. Which meant he ended up with two or three. Of course, he never had multiple cases of beer or pounds of pot. That stuff was consumed as it was bought. Through this process, The Chemical Buddha realized how much energy it took to sort through, organize, and decide what shit to get rid of. He found that what took seconds to buy took minutes, hours, days, even weeks to get rid of. Luckily, he was always being evicted from his apartment and all of his shit was either thrown out on the street with him or trashed. Making the sorting job someone else’s problem.
What is your relationship with stuff? Do you have too much? Too little?
Why do you hang onto what you have?
How much time do you spend deciding what to get rid of?
How might your life be easier with less?

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