Saturday, May 23, 2009

So Says the Buddha …

“It’s only kinky the first time.”
The Chemical Buddha was always up for trying anything, no matter how kinky, once. And if he liked it, he would do it again. What he noticed by doing something considered ‘kinky’ more than once is that the adrenaline rush of doing something ‘forbidden’ wasn’t the same. He recognized that because the human ego is constantly searching for something new to satisfy it, once tried, it becomes tired and boring. So while innovation is ego driven and responsible for all of our advancements it is also ego driven. And with every advancement there is the craving for more and more and more. Until we are only advancing for the sake of something new. At this moment in our society, most ‘advancements’ are just minor improvements.
Are you satisfied with what you have or are you looking for something new? What’s the impact on you?
Do you seek our advancements or just something new? How did you distinguish minor improvements from the actual advancements?

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