Thursday, April 9, 2009


“The secret to getting a low life insurance rate is to live a life not worth living.”
No one would give The Chemical Buddha a low auto, life or health insurance policy. He figured that was because he lived a life that was too exciting and full for anyone to be willing to take a risk that he would be around long enough for them to make any money off of him. As it turns out, they were right. TCB assumed if he lived a less interesting/exciting life he would have been able to cover his future. But, as we’ve already discussed over and over, The Chemical Buddha was all about the now. Why spend money on some future event that may or may not happen, when he could be using that money to have a good time? Of course, he was all in favor of acquiring debt that would have to be paid off in the future because he didn’t plan on ever seeing that.
What do you save for the future?
What makes you think you’ll actually get there to do it?

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