Monday, April 27, 2009

Stick This in Your Pigeon Hole

“Who people think you are is more important than who you actually are.”
The Chemical Buddha hated being stereotyped. People often pigeonholed him as a sex crazed lazy burn out who only thought about his own pleasures. But what if he was a thoughtful, wise man who never put anything stronger than the occasional beer or mixed drink in his body and treated women with respect? Would anyone listen to him? Would people consider what he had to say or would a bigger than life persona serve him better? What if The Chemical Buddha was just a facade used to live out some small part of a larger personality that didn’t want to be fenced in by how other people thought he should be, look like of live his life? Would TCB be less or more interesting? Or what if he was a sex crazed lazy burn out with a lot more than that to offer but no one took the time to see what else was there?
How well do you know your friends? Do you accept them for who they are or try to make them who you want them to be?
Do you pigeon hole them because that’s who they are, or because it makes it easier for you?
How do you feel being pigeon holed?

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