Saturday, April 11, 2009

Let's Flow

“What good is it to have a highly evolved brain if you can’t drug it down to the IQ of a jellyfish?”
At one time, The Chemical Buddha tested out at a genius level. But, even with all of his intelligence, he was unhappy. In fact, TCB was at his happiest when he only had a few functioning brain cells. It is believed the source of most of The Chemical Buddha’s unhappiness came from his penchant for over thinking. And when we say over thinking we mean he took it to levels never before seen. He was often paralyzed by his over thoughts or could twist anything to suit his view of the world and himself. TCB finally figured out that the job of the mind was to form a new question. It was never satisfied with the answer. The job of the body, soul, spirit was to be and rest in the vastness of all of that is. Drugs, sex and food helped take TCB’s brain off line long enough for him to relax and go with the flow of life. When he was in the flow, he found he got the same results as he did when he over thought things. Just with a lot less stress.
What parts of your life do you over think?
Does the over thinking help or just help create more anxiety? What could you do to think less and just be in the flow?

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