Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It's Good to Help

“Most people’s help doesn’t help.”
The Chemical Buddha couldn’t understand why people felt the incessant need to help people who didn’t ask for it. He figured it was so they could feel superior by showing someone they’re smarter or wiser or more enlightened. (That was why he did it.) Then there were other times people wanted to give TCB help with his problems or addictions. Except he didn’t ask for their help because he didn’t see it as a problem. But that didn’t stop them from pouring all his booze down the drain, flushing his stash down the toilet, and putting his Twinkies under lock and key. Their actions were usually followed by, ‘it’s for your own good.’ The Chemical Buddha couldn’t get over the self-righteousness of people who thought they knew what was best for someone else. By the way, now is a great time to write a check to help support The Chemical Buddha. PayPal is also accepted. Remember, we’re only doing this because we care and because it’s for your own good. Not because we’re about to go on a beer run.
What do you do for people because it’s for their own good?
How do you feel when you help people who don’t ask for help?
How do you feel asking for help? How do you feel when other people ask?

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