Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Future is Never Now

“Today is the compost of tomorrow.”
The Chemical Buddha believed in recycling and composting. And, as a Buddhist, he did believe in Karma, as long as it fit his needs. So based on those two lines of thought, if everything he did the day before was the compost/fertilizer of today, then the more shit that happened in the past, the more the current day had to grow out of. Although TCB never gardened, he did know enough from pot cultivation that you had to till the ground, fertilize it, plant seeds and give it water and light or you wouldn’t have anything to smoke. He also knew that a little bit of foreplay was required (or lube) or he’d get friction burns. To his thinking, everything had an order it needed to happen in. You can’t get to tomorrow without going through today. As much as The Chemical Buddha wanted to get to the future, he still had to drink the beer to get drunk. He couldn’t just be drunk.
How much of your life do you spend planning for the future? How much of the now do you miss with your planning?
Do you believe in a natural order of things or do you try to jump ahead? What's the impact on you?

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