Sunday, June 14, 2009

Become a Part of my Part

"The way to become one with everything is to eat at least one of everything."
Like all Buddhists, The Chemical Buddha believed we were all one. At the most basic, we're all made out of atoms. But TCB combined that thought with the idea that you are what you eat. He thought this was yet another way to feel at one with all things. He believed in this line of thinking so much, he insisted his followers eat at least one of everything. But just to be safe, (and to keep his numbers from dwindling) The Chemical Buddha didn’t ask them to eat deadly or dangerous stuff. In fact, he himself, stuck mostly to the cream and pudding filled forms of everything. Although he did occasionally stray to the chocolate filled.
Have you ever felt a part of something?
If so, when and what was it?
What is 'good' and 'bad' about being a part of something?

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