Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Truth Be Told

"The lotus position is best for achieving spiritual orgasm."
Believe it or not, there once was a spiritual teacher who tried to reach The Chemical Buddha. He obviously knew TCB well enough to know he could get his attention my mentioning the word 'orgasm.' In fact, The Chemical Buddha actually tried this to see if it was true. Except he couldn’t do a full lotus. Not even a half lotus. He did what he called a 1/16 lotus. But nothing happened. Nothing. No spiritual orgasm. Just lots of leg pain and his butt went to sleep. So he assumed the teacher must have meant the lotus position was actually some sort of sexual configuration and dedicated the rest of his life to finding it. If he did, it was a secret he took with him to his grave. If he'd only had the internet, he could have Googled, 'sex in the lotus position' and found the answers he was looking for.
Do you seek the truth or just what you want to hear?
To you, is truth and what you want to hear the same thing?
How often do you tell people your truth?
How often do you tell people what you think they want to hear?

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