Tuesday, June 30, 2009


"It’s called being stoned because you have the IQ of a rock.”"
Some teachers get questions like, "Why are we here?" and "What’s the meaning of life?" In addition to those, The Chemical Buddha also got, "Why do they call it being stoned?" Of course, the people who asked those questions were usually stoned out of their fucking gourds, so it didn't really matter what his reply was, they would just giggle. And because he was stoned, he would just giggle too. Boy those were good times. Just so you know, his answer to, "Why are we here?" Is "Where else should we be?" Or "Why not?" And his answer to "What’s the meaning of life?" was "To live." Now granted, these weren't the greatest answers in the world, and he may have actually said some other things, but we were stoned most of the time we were around him.
What are the big questions you ask about your life?
How satisfied are you with your answers?
Why are you here?
What’s the meaning of your life?

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