Wednesday, June 10, 2009

If it Weren't for Bad Luck...

"The path to enlightenment includes several bad trips."
Like a lot of spiritual teachers before him, while The Chemical Buddha walked his path to enlightenment, he encountered some pitfalls. (That was mainly because he took some stuff that didn't agree with him.) And because of that he was unable to keep up with his enlightenment regimen. By our estimation, that means The Chemical Buddha attained enlightenment, 3 days, 5 hours, 56 minutes and 3 seconds later than he would have without wasting time on bad trips. Of course, there's no telling how many insights we wouldn't have gotten if he didn't wander off his path. So his loss was ultimately, our gain.
Do you see life as a series of problems or chances to learn?
Do you think things happen for a reason or happen at random?
What big lessons have your learned form things that seems like accidents/'bad' luck while it was going on?

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