Friday, June 26, 2009

And You're Off

"I have sex with hookers because they'll leave afterwards."
The Chemical Buddha didn't really find it that hard to get women to leave after sex (unless they were passed out and incapable of movement), but for some reason he thought paying for sex had it's advantages. First, a hooker never complained about his lack of stamina. In fact, they seem happy, almost giddy, when he finished in under 30 seconds. And second, they high tailed it out after he paid them. So it wasn't unusual for TCB to have several hookers clamoring for his business because he was sooooo fast. Because in a business where you get paid by the trick a customer as easy to please as TCB was a virtual gold mine.
What parts of your life do you rush through and why?
What would it take for you to slow down and enjoy yourself?
Do you see things through to the end or do you believe you give up too soon?

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