Monday, June 1, 2009


“If you want to know what life is all about, ask a kid.”
Kids bring so much honesty to the table. They still haven’t figured out what is and is not socially acceptable to say to someone else. And their views of the world are pretty simple. However, it confused The Chemical Buddha when parents would tell their kids, "Honesty is the best policy," but then chastised them for giving someone their honest opinion like, "You’re ugly" or "You smell." It only served to remind TCB of one of his favorite Deep Thoughts with Jack Handy. To paraphrase, it went something like this: "The face of a child says so much. Particularly the mouth part of the face." There was a time that TCB liked the blunt directness children dished out. Until it started to hurt his feelings. So what if it was true, it still hurt. That’s why TCB preferred to talk with adults who were afraid to be direct.
Are you honest with yourself? What do you not admit to yourself?
Are you honest with others? What do you not tell other people?
How might being honest with yourself and others impact your life?

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