Monday, June 29, 2009

The Concession Stand is Now Open

"By the time you get it all figured out, it’s over."
When The Chemical Buddha came up with this insight, he wasn't talking about life. (Like many people have suggested.) Rather, he was commenting on a movie he had just watched. Although many spiritual teachers have used the metaphor of movies being like life. They say watching a movie is how life appears to the inner witness. The witness is entirely entertained, but knows life is just a 'movie'. While it’s true TCB could have been ahead of the spiritual masters (or at least at the end) when it came to the movie/life reference there's no way to tell since TCB's life story only had one reel (or DVD with no out takes or bonus features). When The Chemical Buddha combined his insight with the other movie metaphor, he became bound and determined to never figure anything out again because he was afraid it would just end. So his remaining years were more like a bad movie with no plot. But even bad movies end.
How would you see your life differently if you viewed it as a movie?
Would you be more attached to what happened in it or less?
How might your perspective change?

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