Thursday, June 18, 2009

I Declare

"Sex is like pizza. It’s all good, just some is better than others."
The Chemical Buddha was a fan of sex. (I know, I know, it’s hard to believe, but it's true.) He also was a fan of eating. Sometimes choosing between the two depended upon which of them he did last. During his life he realized that he rarely came across, what he considered, bad pizza. Sure. He had his favorite pie from a preferred place. But really, pizza was pizza and he enjoyed it more than a lot of other things he could eat. The same thing applied to sex. As long as he was having some form of sex, he was happy. Sure, there were certain kinds of sexual positions and/or acts that he'd choose over other kinds. But as long as his dick was involved he was happy. And the pursuit of happiness was what he was all about. (The Chemical Buddha actually tried to take credit for the coming up with the pursuit of happiness until someone pointed out it was in the United States Declaration of Independence. However, he deflected that comment by saying that in an earlier incarnation he was the writer of said declaration.)
Do you believe you create your own happiness or that it comes from outside of yourself?
What makes you happy?
What do you do when you’re not happy?

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