Thursday, June 25, 2009

Let go

"Dying is easy. Living is hard."
Everywhere The Chemical Buddha went people seemed to be worried about or avoiding the thought of dying. To TCB, dying would take care of itself. It would happen when it happened, so why worry about it? He thought living was the thing most people seemed to struggle with. They seemed to be afraid of living. Holding back. Not engaging fully. Putting themselves into a box. Hopefully, by now, you've learned that The Chemical Buddha threw himself into life. He wanted to partake in any and everything. Whether that meant injecting, ingesting or intercoursing. Oftentimes, he ended up infected and infirmed, but he would say that was just a part of the rich tapestry of life.
What is your approach to life?
What are your thoughts on death?
Do you spend more time thinking about living or dying?
What do you need to do to live more?
What do you need to do to prepare for death?

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