Thursday, June 4, 2009

Have Some

"It's easier to name the few women I wouldn't sleep with, than all the ones I would."
The Chemical Buddha was a pretty simple man. And he valued ease and simplicity over difficulty and complexity. As a simple man, TCB often found more 'right' with the world than he found things that were 'wrong' with the world. For instance, he could list more street drugs he would take than drugs he wouldn't. Or more types of junk food he would eat, than types that he wouldn't. This way of viewing the world also applied to women he wanted to sleep with. In fact, during his entire life he could probably count on one hand the number of women he wouldn't have sex with. And even then, if he had ingested the right 'persuaders' even those might not be safe from his wanton desires.
Do you view the world as mostly OK? Or mostly fucked up?
In general, are you more accepting of everything or more critical of everything?

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