Monday, June 22, 2009

For Special Occasions Only

"I’m making sure none of my organs are suitable for donation."
During the brief period of time The Chemical Buddha actually was a licensed driver in the great state of California (as has been noted over and over The Chemical Buddha moved to a state of inebriation at a very young age) he turned down the opportunity to 'gift' his organs to someone. (Although there was one organ he was willing to 'give' to the woman at the DMV.) In fact, he slurrily replied with today's insight. We believe this points to The Chemical Buddha's belief that everything should be completely and totally used up. It is the way of the universe. Because nothing lasts forever, why even try and preserve it?
What parts of yourself do you save?
Who/what are you saving it for?
Does the act of saving it create problems or make your life easier?
If it is a special part of yourself that you’re saving, how would you feel if it never got shared or used?


Fantasy Writer Guy said...

I've been saving my toenail clippings for almost 30 years now but I forget why.

The Chemical Buddha said...

Maybe you're saving them in the event someone needs a toenail graph. Or so someone can clone you in the future.