Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Any Way the Wind Blows

"You can either change your life yourself or have it change around you."
The Chemical Buddha met people who seemed hell bent on keeping their lives the same. Sometimes, not only did they want to keep it the same, but they didn't want anything to change. Or they wanted to take it back to, "When they were kids." When TCB tried to live in the past, it took waaaay more energy to keep things from changing then it did to just to go with the flow. (And at his core, The Chemical Buddha was pretty lazy.) So wherever life took him, he was more than happy to go. Which is why he would wake up sunburned on the beach in Florida one day and wearing his swim suit on a Cleveland park bench the next. Not only could he not be counted on to show up where he was supposed to be, but he also wasn't any good at deciding what movie he wanted to see or where he wanted to eat.
How does going with the flow keep you from taking a stand? What do you want to stand for?
What parts of your life need to change for you to start living the life you want?

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