Thursday, November 6, 2008

Wrap That Wrascal

"To a man, protection is a padded headboard."
Men are different than women. They see the world differently and they have different priorities. So it should come as no surprise that The Chemical Buddha had a very different idea of what protection meant. And for years, he thought the fact that his headboard was padded was all he needed when women asked if he had 'protection'. Sadly, after catching and then passing on numerous STDs, he finally figured out what they were really talking about. But by then he didn't care, so he lied. And while The Chemical Buddha is no longer among us, strains of his STDs live on and are still passed around to this day. In fact, we're sure The Chemical Buddha would think it was fitting that he lived on through his venereal diseases.
How do your views of the world differ from those around you?
In what ways do you protect yourself? And does it help or hinder your ability to connect with others?

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