Saturday, November 15, 2008

Deep Shit

"If you can't reach enlightenment, maybe your bulb is burned out."
Several of The Chemical Buddha's followers thought they couldn't reach the same level of awareness as their master. However, The Chemical Buddha believed the path to oneness required more than just altering your reality. The dancer must become the dance. The artist must become the art. Only through stepping into the flow could one attain what they sought. So he pushed them to see that what they were good at (like oral sex or joint rolling) was actually a part of all that is. But still they resisted because they didn't see the worthwhileness of their talents. It was only after stripping everything else away did they understand how to attain the connection they sought. For example, The Chemical Buddha was good at overdosing and puking. For him, achieving oneness was not knowing where he ended and the puke began. His followers eventually found that by fully embracing their uniqueness they too could make progress toward the divine expression within.
What talent are you ignoring in favor of one that you think other people value?
How do you discount what you're good at and what is the cost to you?

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