Saturday, November 22, 2008


"The only time I don't think about sex is when I'm having sex."
Like most religious leaders, The Chemical Buddha was obsessed with sex. Although he noticed that when he was in the flow (or one with his purpose) he didn't have to think. But rather, he could just be. In these instances, the dancer became the dance. The artist became the art. And as we've discussed in an earlier reading, if he thought about sex while he was having sex he was finished. In this flow (or zone as athletes like to call it) time seemed to stand still. And yet entire hours and days could pass in what would seem like an instant. This showed the fluidity of time and how it could expand and contract depending upon what was happening. So in the case of sex, the fucker became the fuck. While in the act, The Chemical Buddha thought he lasted hours. But his partner informed him it was actually less than a minute. So when you can, use the fluidity of time to your advantage.
What do you not think about and what's the effect of your not thinking on you and your relationships?
What do you obsess over and what's the impact of your obsession?

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