Monday, November 17, 2008

All That and a Bag of Chips

"If we're all one, right now, I'm having sex with myself, while being born and dying."
Across the planet, everything is happening in every moment. Because of that The Chemical Buddha believed that we had everything we needed to accomplish our dreams. The secret was being still enough to allow the collective unconscious to unfold. And while he would often be in a drug-induced coma for days, he was never quite able to get there. Instead, he had to settle for whatever his chemically enhanced brain would come up with. Although he did discover the magic of the groupthink when he and his followers got seriously baked. The real question was how to get everyone stoned at once so we could tap into the collective and figure out life's big mysteries. (Not to mention lay waste to the global supply of Doritos and Cheetos.)
What if you acknowledged you actually had everything you needed right now? How would your life be different?
What keeps you from fully trusting yourself in this moment?

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