Monday, November 24, 2008

Excessive Moderation

"Moderation in all things, except for sex, drugs and food."
While The Chemical Buddha found it easy to not do the things his brain didn't enjoy (for instance, he believed in being moderately clean, responsible, and accountable) it was extremely difficult to not excessively do what his brain did enjoy. That's because the brain always craves more of what brings it pleasure. More sex. More drugs. More food. And ego always craves something new and exciting. But, no matter how much The Chemical Buddha chased it, he found it was virtually impossible to get back to the thrill and experience of that first time. Your first orgasm is always the best. Your first high. Your first taste of your favorite food. Everything after is a mere shadow, so you have to increase the dosage to get the same affect. Which is why we're suckers for 'new'. Luckily, no one takes advantage of that by trying to sell us new products, diets, self-help books or religious movements.
What are you chasing?
How will you know when you have enough?

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