Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Urban Camping

"I complained because I had no bong, until I met a man who had no pot."
The moment that inspired the above insight humbled The Chemical Buddha. (Well, at least it did after he stopped gloating and laughing at the poor bastard.) Because it showed him that no matter how bad things were, there was always someone who was worse off. And that made him feel a lot better about the roadblocks he was encountering on his journey. In fact, The Chemical Buddha started making a habit of eating at the local soup kitchen so he could be around people who were down on their luck. It also didn't hurt that he got a free meal out of it. During this time he formed the opinion that he was better off than the average homeless person. (Or at least better off than the ones that didn't have a heating grate to sleep on. Because those guys had it made.)
How might a different perspective help you see your life differently?
Will the issues in your life matter in 2 weeks? A month? 6 months? A year? What can you do to put today's issue into its proper perspective?

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