Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hit This

"I want to get something straight between you and me."
Yet another one of The Chemical Buddha's favorite pick up lines. Of course, most of the women that were remotely interested in him, weren't the sharpest knives in the drawer. So they missed the subtle innuendo of his line. Which meant he usually had to resort to pantomime and hand gestures. Part of the problem was the fact that he didn't communicate clearly. Of course, it was also good at helping weed out the ones that were too smart. Because if they understood him, he usually got punched. Looking back, he probably would have been a lot better off just asking them to fuck. Or better yet just waiting until they passed out and then dragging them home.
Are you direct with your feedback to others? Why or why not?
What do you think will happen if you talked directly to people?

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