Friday, November 28, 2008

Drink Up!

"You need to release all attachments to consciousness and become truly unconscious."
As the only lineage holder of the Enlightenment Through Pharmaceuticals school of Buddhism, The Chemical Buddha taught his students that to feel one with the all, they had to release their attachment to consciousness and become unconscious. To achieve this goal, he recommended three paths to total unconsciousness: beer, spirits and wine. There were other ways to reach the desired level, but they weren't as easily controlled and deemed too dangerous for novices. Only after reaching the level of Master, did he allow his students to try heroin and plastic bags. So unless you're under the care of an accredited Enlightenment Through Pharmaceuticals Master (look for their framed certificate prominently displayed on the wall of their cardboard box) do not attempt.
What are you attached to?
How do your attachments keep you from advancing in your life?

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